Most C-stores & truck stops I visit have really good service.
I was in a store and watched this happened. I simply observed as an employee at the counter read the sports page.
Inattentive employees can be an issue for some stores.
It’s something for managers to consider when training staff. Pay attention so customers don’t feel invisible.
When I was scheduled to do a presentation at the National Association of Truck Stop Owners (NATSO) I had to include this story. I thought it would make a good topic for my first short film.
Thanks to the city of Abbeville, Louisiana for nicely paved streets and great drainage. A special thanks to our friends at Richard’s Meat Market for supplying the location.Those folks know food and they treat every customer great. If you’re ever in Abbeville, Louisiana, stop in and check it out. I recommend the boudin, the jerky, smoked sausage and well-everything.
That is an excellent video and addresses a problem that I have seen far too often 🙁 Great job! Thanks for sharing.