CENTRAL EXPRESS CASHTON (Cashton, WI) – This is great for the kids. It’s great for the store. If you’ve heard me speak or read my stories, one of the most important things independently owned c-stores can do is to be part of their community. A good start is to bring the community into your store.

I love this. The kids are happy. Each time they pass the Central Express Cashton what will they think?
Ice Cream!!!
These kids will be back & next time, they’ll bring parents. One day, they will return as parents and buy ice cream for their children and milk and soft drinks and a great meal.
Don’t miss an opportunity to have the community come inside your store to experience the food and staff.
Don’t miss an issue of NACS Magazine.
If you missed the Central Express story in the April issue of NACS Magazine you missed how this family owned store became a critical part of this community.
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